Captivated by the light!

 Cathedra Sancti Petri or St. Peter's Chair behind the High Altar at St. Peter's Basilica, Rome.  
We’re all drawn to the light; whether it’s the translucent tapestries of stained glass windows of Sainte Chapelle, or the setting sun melting into the Mediterranean, or brilliant beams of sunlight radiating into St. Peter’s cupola, we can’t help but want to preserve that moment when the light is "just right" and thus we persevere until we get that “Kodak moment” captured forever – sometimes with surprisingly delightful results! 

Have you ever captured a most resplendent light in your photography not fully realizing it was there to begin with but when you looked closely, you discovered an enchanting glow or a brilliant light shining its way into the frame?  Suddenly, ordinary subjects are transformed into radiant spectacles! 

Well, this happens to me quite often and although some of it is intentional, I know some of it is not and therefore, I present to you a new series of photog posts that not only capture those fleeting moments of magic, but also shed a little more “light,” so to speak, on the fascinating subjects in my viewfinder.  Who knows, it may just be a little divine intervention!    

Throughout Europe and the rest of the world, there are infinite opportunities to capture your own brand of light magic, you just need to seek out the "light." Come along and explore my effulgent European escapades in search of captivating light and tapestries of luminous luster!

In search of the light in the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano – Rome, Italy

Look closely in the upper left and you'll find a most heavenly light shining in bright, unbroken beams as we look to the High Altar in San Giovanni in Rome.  
Inside the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome. 
Bronze gate in the Chapel of the Corsini Princes – San Giovanni.

The softest pink hues highlight the magnificent sculptural details in the dome of the Lancellotti Chapel.
Looking toward the heavens in the Lancellotti Chapel – San Giovanni.
A divine radiance surrounds the sculpture of Pope Leo XIII.
Tomb of Pope Leo XIII – San Giovanni, Rome


  1. Beautiful photos! I love visiting all the churches in Italy and the contrast in light. Such beautiful buildings!

  2. Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks so much for sharing our comments. I too, enjoy visiting the churches throughout Italy, and this is just the first post in my "light" series that will feature churches and other places throughout Italy and France.

  3. Beautiful photos with nice write up. I still remember Rome is filled with many nice churches.

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Thanks so much for stopping by. You're right, Rome is filled with many beautiful churches and I think I've only touched upon the tip of iceberg. Oh well, I will just have to get back there and see them all!

  5. I have tried so many times to get a good shot of that altar . . . never with success. Fabulous photos.

  6. Hi Sonja,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words. I am truly grateful. And, don't give up on capturing that light, you'll just need to return again to do so. You know, that doesn't sound like a bad proposition and I may just have to join you. Thanks again.

  7. Lovely photos Jeff! Sadly, I've never been able to capture any good indoor shots here. Maybe next time :)

  8. Hi Robin,
    Thanks again from dropping by. Let's seek out the light together on our next journey.

  9. Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more from your 'light' series.

    1. Thank you so much my dear friend. I am just a little late in my response but I don't always receive comment notifications. Thx for stopping by and I will be revisiting this series soon!

  10. Beautiful, uplifting photos! The way things are lit and the quality of the light has a huge effect on me and one of the reasons I choose to live where I do. Clearly you can both see it and capture it. I can see it but..... So if you ever find yourself in Puglia please come and capture it for me :)

    1. Hi there Caroline! This is one the kindest comments I have ever received!! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. And, you can count on me capturing the light of Puglia when I eventually make it there! You'll be the first to know. Thank you again!


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