Medici meets Ming Pei – a magnificent architectural composite at the Musee du Louvre in Paris!

The juxtaposition of the modern and the Renaissance is undoubtedly unnerving to some at the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France – however, to me; this magnificent blending of traditions separated by more than 500  years, is surely welcome!  I couldn't help myself when I stumbled upon this unique perspective of the main entrance – the futuristic and imposing glass pyramid designed by Ieoh Ming Pei set against the backdrop of the splendor of the Renaissance – a reflection of then and now –and inspiring and magnificent!

However, all that glitters is not only on the exterior of the Louvre, just wait until you descend to the underground promenade. Behold – an inverted glass pyramid that seems to barely hover over a smaller marble counterpart.  Could this really be the location of the Holy Grail?  Did anyone hear of the DaVinci Code? ; )  

Here are a few shots of the magnificent and quite awe-inspiring exterior framed by beautiful flowers in September.  Yep, that's right, September.  Can you believe the brilliance?  

Read more about this history of this magnificent palace that spans more almost 1,000 years at the official website of the Louvre Museum!  


  1. What wonderful photos, Jeff! If (or I should say when) I go to Florence, I'm looking at that hotel in the Italy post- which is probably where I should have left this comment-lol.

  2. Thank you so much Billie!! Stroll around and leave a comment wherever you heart desires!!

  3. Love the palace, it's so ebautiful. Now I can see where their get the colors from for the Disney Magic castle :)

  4. Sarah Wu, I just love you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my photos although I think you intended this comment for Neuschwanstein Castle. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos Jeff! We travelled in Europe the same places and brings back memories...
    Judit & Corina

  6. Greetings Judit and Corina,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and compliments. They go a long way with me! Glad you could relive those fond memories...oftentimes, I am reliving them myself.

    Please stop by again.



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